"KMITL Vaccination Site" for Society

The world is intensely shaken by the emergence of coronavirus, alias COVID-19. This pandemic has resulted in loss of many lives around the world and an unprecedented threat to society, public health, education, economy, tourism, and so forth. Currently, vaccination is the most effective approach to cease this pandemic.

The Executive Vice President for Medicine and Health Technology of KMITL, Associate Professor Prasert Trivijitsilp, M.D., stated that in addition to wearing masks, washing hands, and avoiding social interaction, vaccination can help prevent the transmission of infection between people and develop herd immunity. 




As a consequence, in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) via King Mongkut Chaokhun Thahan Hospital (KMCH) have established a "KMITL Vaccination Site" where is ready in terms of location, personnel, and convenience. 



The objectives are to vaccinate people in the eastern Bangkok area, boost immunity among students and educational personnel with the aim of resuming normal teaching as soon as possible, ensure that everyone is vaccinated in timely manner, and support health care activities and medical innovations of KMCH

The KMITL Vaccination Site is responsible for administering 1,000-2,000 COVID-19 vaccine shots every day, with Lat Krabang Hospital and Sirindhorn Hospital serving as joint hospitals in the event of an emergency. So far, over 30,000 people were vaccinated by the site. By the end of 2021, it is projected that 88,000 people will be vaccinated (176,000 times, 1 person / 2 times). 



Accordingly, it is expected that the facility can help lessen the number of people infected with COVID-19 in the Lat Krabang and eastern Bangkok area by approximately 50-60%. Once herd immunity is created, we can reopen schools and universities as soon as possible. It will help support KMCH's future health-care activities and medical advances.


          We collaborated with one Thai ministry and two health institutions to improve health and well-being outcomes by establishing the “KMITL Vaccination Site” for all to ensure that people have access to affordable medicines and vaccines on a sustainable basis and to eliminate communicable disease (COVID-19) in Thailand. We aim to use these lessons learned to enhance KMCH's future medical research and basic health sectors, bolstering the organization's ability to respond to global health threats in the future. SDG 3 - Good health and well-being - is linked to these goals.


          Additionally, tackling poverty and hunger is tough without good health. The “KMITL Vaccination Site” is a program aimed at improving access to fundamental services, including affordable vaccines and medicines for all. Because we have herd immunity, people can return to work, and all businesses can reopen. It can reduce disaster economic losses in relation to Thailand's GDP. Also, it has the potential to end hunger by ensuring that poor people have access to sufficient food throughout the year. These are related to SDG1 - No poverty and SDG 2 - Zero Hunger.


                 The “KMITL Vaccination Site” is one of the prime examples of how KMITL is assisting society in the fight against COVID-19, particularly in times of crisis. Reflecting KMITL’s vision - KMITL is determined to be an institution for all helping people, communities, and the country.



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